Enjoy the fall weather on a sunset dinner cruise

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LPC Boat Sunset CloseWith a colorful Arizona sunset as backdrop, board the 150-capacity Phoenix for a delightful, social and informative evening, exploring one of the Valley’s most scenic reservoirs. Your Captain on this private charter will entertain you with fascinating commentary about the surrounding Sonoran Desert, its rich history, beautiful vistas, legends and abundant wildlife, flora and fauna, while you relax onboard, scanning the shoreline for wild-burro or bald-eagle sightings.

With a colorful Arizona sunset as backdrop, enjoy onboard a delicious barbecue dinner buffet prepared by Dillon’s Restaurant featuring BBQ Beef Brisket, Tender Pulled Pork, Smoked Turkey, Homestyle Macaroni and Cheese, Smokey BBQ Baked Beans, Creamy Potato Salad and Dessert. A vegetarian pasta salad will also be available. Add a cocktail, glass of wine or drink of choice at your expense, from the cash bar.

Your cruise boat is climate controlled, for your comfort, and handicapped-accessible. No worries about a weary drive home; your bus driver awaits.

Lake Pleasant is located in Maricopa County’s Lake Pleasant Regional Park, northwest of Peoria. The 23,362-acre park offers many outdoor recreational activities, such as camping, boating, fishing, swimming, hiking, picnicking and wildlife viewing. The reservoir is part of the Central Arizona Project waterway system, bringing water from the Lower Colorado River into central and southern Arizona. Lake-water levels can fluctuate throughout the course of the year, with the water typically reaching its highest level in the spring (March/April) and its lowest in the fall (October/November). The acreage of the water can vary from 3,000 acres to almost 10,000 acres at its fullest.

Note:  Where comfortable shoes for walking around the boat. Bring appropriate wraps or jackets for the weather.

Trip Policy

Registration limited to two (2) per event, for each LLL user account.


EVENT DATE/TIME: Thursday, Nov. 2, 3:15 p.m. to 9:15 p.m.

COST:  $115 (includes cost for bus, cruise boat, buffet dinner)