The LifeLong Learning Center, 3657 Clubhouse Dr., Room 107, is located near the Activities Office at Eagles Nest. The LLL Center is open for classes and meetings only.

Information and Technical assistance: If you need help setting up a new LLL user account, password reset, registering for a new event or have questions, please email:

LifeLong Learning's wonderful programming is possible because of the hard work of more than 80 volunteers. If you have questions or comments that you would like to share with us, please contact the person or people responsible for the area of concern, either by phone or by email (just click on the name).

President: Tim Pisarski - 949-485-0954

Classes: Marianne Boechler - 206-550-7246

Great Decisions: Carole Korzilius - 623-433-9057

Speaker Series: Paul Polk - 408-621-9851

E-News: Gene Walther - (206) 390-7484

PC Reads: Dianne Harmon - 815-263-1497

Trips: Sue Roth - 612 940-4798

Volunteers: Pam O'Shea - 312-593-7892 / Jill Burham - 770-826-8640

Website: Barbara Younker