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A LLL nonfiction book discussion group

PC Reads Nonfiction is a discussion group for those who like reading about real events and people. There are a number of book clubs in PebbleCreek that focus on reading different types of fiction, but a nonfiction book group offers a different slant for interested readers.

This new discussion group welcomes nonfiction readers of history, military history, sports and current topics and book selection will depend on participant interest.

The group meets the third Thursday of every month from 4 to 5:30 p.m. at the LLL Center, Room 107 in the Eagles Nest Activity Center area. PC Reads Nonfiction is free but registration is required and opens 8 a.m., one month prior to each session.

For your listening comfort LLL Center has a hearing loop system.  Be sure to indicate at registration if you need the system.
To access the PC Reads Nonfiction books from the menu, click on the (∇) to the right of PC Reads at the top of the page to choose PC Reads Nonfiction, and choose a monthly discussion. If you register and find that you are unable to attend or have questions, please cancel at registrar@lifelonglearningatpc.org.

PC Reads Nonfiction Book Discussions:

Registration opens Oct. 18:
Nov. 21: Discussion about poverty based on two books by Matthew Desmond
Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City; and Poverty by America