Rick Savage PCHOA TAGOn Monday, April 7, 10 a.m., Rick Savage, Co-chair of PebbleCreek's Transition Advisory Group (TAG), will provide an update about the transition from Robson Communities, Inc. (RCI), to homeowners, the history of TAG, and what lies ahead for homeowners of PebbleCreek. The community has so many questions regarding the transition from a developer-controlled community (Robson) to one controlled solely by the residents: When? How will it take place? Will my assessments increase? And on and on. This is an informative and important presentation about the future of PebbleCreek.

The mission of the (TAG) is to evaluate all elements related to the transition of management of the HOA from the developer to the homeowners. The TAG will make recommendations to the board of directors to ensure consistency and effectiveness in current operations as the HOA moves on without developer support.  TAG members are appointed by the board and is comprised of residents who are familiar with PebbleCreek and who can offer expertise in the various elements of the transition.

Rick Savage has over 45 years’ experience in the information technology area in various sales and marketing positions.  Savage worked at Xerox, was a Sr. Vice President of U.S. Sprint, an, executive at PeopleSoft, an executive at Oracle and is a retired executive of IBM financial services.  Savage is a past Vice President of the PebbleCreek Irish-American Club, a member of the Tennis Club, Camera Club and 18-Hole and 9-Hole PC Golf Associations.

Admission is free. Tickets are available at 9 a.m. in the lobby of the Renaissance Theater. No registration is required. 

The theater is equipped with a hearing loop system which is a special type of sound system for people who use hearing aids. The loop system provides a magnetic wireless signal that is picked up by a hearing aid when it is set to the T-setting (telecoil). Many hearing aids are equipped with telecoil technology.